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tHE fATHER OF THE 401K .  

In a recent interview, Ted Benna discussed 3 Reasons why we should be very leery of 401(k)s and IRAs:

1. The government may repeal the 401(k) and IRA, so you won’t be able to put any more money pre-tax into these accounts, or the amount you can put in will be drastically reduced (Congress considered doing that again last year!) 
2. Benna believes the next stock and bond market crash is imminent and could wipe out 40% of the typical portfolio 
3. Wall Street has hijacked these plans, and the excessive fees charged by mutual fund companies and plan administrators

are robbing you of up to half of your nest egg.


We’ve Been Sounding the Alarm About 401(k)s and IRAs for quite some time And I’ve been attacked ruthlessly for that

by the Wall Street fat cats who always get paid – whether we win or lose. 


But the real story here is Benna’s admission that he has, in his words, “put most of my money” into the high cash value, dividend-paying whole life policies most commonly known as IBC-type plans. 

Benna says these plans avoid the dangers that traditional retirement plan accounts face along with providing tremendous tax advantages to the average person. 

Having the Right Team Makes
the Biggest Difference.

Ignore the Warnings about the 
401K at your own peril!

Wall Street has been extremely successful at getting us to buy into
401(k)s, IRAs and similar government-sponsored retirement accounts
lock, stock and barrel. Most people have little or no savings outside
of these vehicles, according to the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer
Finances. But the chorus of experts warning of the angers of 401(k)s

and IRAs keeps growing.  
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