What's peculiar about 7702 is how they determined the
MEC limit in the first place.
The law used a test based on the policy to define a guaranteed interest rate to be paid out, which mysterious landed at
4% and has since been hard coded as the guaranteed rate on every policy written across the country.
This, of course, was not an issue back when high-interest rates were the norm the '80s, '90s, and even the early 2000s.
However, interest rates have fallen over the last couple of decades, rendering it difficult for insurance carriers to offer
competitive cash-value products to the consumer.
In order to really appreciate the good news we should
provide a little insight as to how the insurance carriers
make money in the first place…
Obviously, insurance carriers are driven by profits, however let's
switch it up a bit. In this scenario let's flip the script and pretend
that you yourself own the company and are trying to figure out
ways to turn a profit and keep the doors open.
The first source of revenue would obviously come in the form of
premium from policyholders. When these premium dollars arrive,
the carrier holds on to them until they have to pay out a claim
(death benefit) to the beneficiaries when someone passes.
Do all premium dollars hold the same value to the carrier?
Let's take a closer look at the difference between premium dollars coming in from Term Insurance Vs. Permanent
Whole Life Insurance.
Statistically, it's reported that 90% of ALL Term Policies go on to expire or lapse with NO death benefit ever being paid
out to the policy holder. SO, though Term insurance is appetizing to the consumer and to the likes of Dave Ramsey,
statistically, it's nothing more than another expense to add to your families monthly budget. To the carrier,
these premiums turn out to be quite lucrative and go on to play a much larger role in the grand scheme of things.
Now, before we go on and investigate
permanent whole life insurance premiums
we want to emphasize that there is indeed
a place and a proper way to benefit from
term insurance!
Moving along...
When it comes to 'Whole Life Policy,' policy holders are guaranteed a payout, as long as they keep paying the premi-
ums. Hence, there is no expiry date of the policy. Since there is no way for insurance companies to avoid paying out the
death benefit at some point, they have no choice but to invest premiums over the lifetime of the policyholder, with
hopes that they can accumulate more money from the investments than what they will have to payout.
Over the course of the last century the most reliable and highly preferred way among these carriers is to invest in
high-grade bonds, such as the U.S treasuries. If you're thinking long term is there really anything else as safe and
secure? When you think about it, accumulating 8-9% payouts annually from these bonds while only paying out about
4% to whole life policy owners- is highly beneficial.
SO, where's the problem?
High paying Treasury bonds have come to be nearly non existent. In fact, as recently as a couple months ago 30 year
Treasury bonds dipped below 2%.
Let's break this down into Layman's terms to see if we can procure a bit of clarity.
1. Insurance carriers have historically purchased high paying 30 year Treasury Bonds. (8-9%)
2. These High paying Treasury bonds are now coming to the end of their term and expiring.
3. Current 30 year Treasury bonds are no longer high paying in the slightest (3-4%).
4. Insurance carriers are still required by law to grantee 4% to their policy holders.
The center of the problem is that interest rates have been on the decline for the last decade plus and as a result Insur-
ance carriers have had to replace high-paying Treasury bonds with lower paying Treasury bonds, while bound by law to
grantee 4% to their policy holders.
As you can guess - gaining only 2% while guaranteeing 4% is a sure fire way to go bankrupt.
How IRS Section 7702 Was Changed…
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, that Congress passed going into 2021 consisted of nearly 6,000 pages. Hidden
deep-within this massive piece of literature were historic changes to IRC Section 7702. Bear in mind that this particular
section of the code had not once been altered since its construct in the 1980s (A big deal indeed!)
All these jargons have probably clouded over your mind with no real picture in mind. Therefore let's rewind.
IRC section 7702 is the part of the code that determines the premium limits for life insurance policies before they con-
vert into a MEC (Modified Endowment Contract).
Now, in simple terms, what exactly is this change? Well, instead of guaranteeing a 4% MEC limit, the MEC test is now
determined by the floating rate relative to the Prime rate. Very similar to the calculation of interest rates.
How the Modified IRS Section 7702 Affects Whole
Life Insurance…
Change is a gradual process, and therefore we must be patient as insurance companies update their offered policies
and products. 2021 will be the year that these changes take their place in the 'Whole Life Insurance' era.
'A Boom for Permanent Life Insurance'
is what this change has been
interpreted as by the Wall Street Journal.
More cash being invested into the Whole Life Policy with less
death benefit is a plus when you are cast with lower interest
However, there is always an opportunity cost. Therefore, let's flip
the coin and look at both sides- the good and the bad.
Two Major Effects on Vortex Banking Explained…
The Good News:
These changes will allow us to assign more premium toward the banking portion of these permanent whole life poli-
cies. (the whole point in the first place)
This also paves the way for individuals that want to build up cash value fast, role dead assets into the mix and further-
more opens the door for individuals at every income level to take full advantage of the Vortex Banking Strategy.
What's the next step for you…
This is your time to take advantage of smaller policies to start 'Vortex Banking' by filling them with as much cash as
possible, without triggering a taxable event. (MEC) The not so Good but not entirely
The NOT so Good but NOT entirely Bad, Bad news:
The negative aspect of Whole Life Policies' future is that their cash value growth will be closely connected to their un-
predictable and fluctuating dividend scale.
This sequentially means that you will receive a lower guaranteed rate going into the future. With that being said, carri-
ers will do as they have done for centuries and adapt, leverage and deliver their own competitive policies in order to
stay relevant in the market.
Taking this whole scenario into consideration- there are two points of action you can take right here right now.
First, you can get started right away- before this change is implemented. This will ensure that you can lock in the higher
guaranteed rates.
Second, you could wait for this change to be implemented and could wait for the new product offers to see what is
most beneficial in the long term. This action route is advised if you are more interested in the lower premiums or want
to maximize how much you can fully front-load your policy.
The bottom line is still that the sooner you start Vortex Banking, the better!
And while you start that journey, I'm sure you'd appreciate all the advice and guidance on the 'Vortex Banking
Strategies' that you can get.
Therefore, if protecting and growing your wealth is of great interest to you, make sure you schedule a one on one
strategy session with one of our Infinite Wealth Strategist.
We look forward to talking with you soon.